Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sixteen years after graduation, I returned to my college to deliver a welcome address to the Freshmen. As I entered the University campus with my close friend Benmar, I was like transported back to time. Memories of the good old days in college flooded my thoughts. Yeah, sweet memories of my college days, I will always remember them….

“ A BSBA Accounting graduate in ’92, Villegas has an interesting story to tell. It is interesting because it is always fascinating to listen to a success story. Addressing the freshers, he unfolded what he called his simple life story, peppered with humor and emotions, and delivered as probably one of the most candid and most sincere Opening Exercises messages. “ (UPViews, Iloilo City, 2005)

“…….and to the University of the Philippines FRESHMEN of 2005 –


Fortune favors the bold….and your future is almost certain freshmen, as you have made the right choice in picking up the cudgels and taking that tricky UPCAT.

Now, you are part of the prestigious University of Philippines. You are the BOLD who braved the UPCAT and passed – and – fortune favors you!

Freshmen, greenhorns, neophytes – these are the buzz words that you would be hearing. These are words synonymous to “kid” or “child”. You are a kid at this point – you are at the threshold of your future….you are about to embark on a journey of higher learning, a journey of discoveries, a journey of realization of what you want to become when you “really grow up”.

For some- college can also be a rude awakening. Why is that? – you could discover that the course that you have always been sure of is really not your vocation. I had a friend who diligently studied, took up dentistry in college, took the board exam, passed the board exam, pulled out a couple of my teeth – then tossed her dental instruments and she traded them for… who can guess what she became after here awakening? I have five hundred pesos for the person who can guess? Any takers? My friend turned to cooking – she is now the Chef de Partie of a five star hotel in Ortigas in Pasig City.

Her rude realization is that she wasted hundreds of thousands of pesos in college thinking that she was preparing herself to do what she wants PULL OUT TEETH- but alas! From dental practice – she moved to the FOOD INDUSTRY – glorious food! Cakes, pastries, steaks – name every yummy delight and she churns them in her kitchen. Imagine the 180 degrees turn around. Ironic isn’t it? But that is life – that can be yours too…. If you could afford to throw hundreds of thousands of pesos. Why not!?

My name is Greg M. Villegas and sixteen years ago – I sat right there –where you are now……

Sixteen years ago, after finishing high school, I dreamed of getting into a good college. Good Education doesn’t come cheap and by golly, Greg M. Villegas’ resources are no where in the “well off” bracket too. So I thought that the only chance I had at getting good education is to get to the University of the Philippines. And so I took the UPCAT test, at least I had a shot at that coveted GOOD Education. My problem now is my “pang-japorms” in college. I thought to myself that a few decent couture, a pair of shoes, and a couple of pants would give me the much needed POGI POINTS with the professors. So to earn, I worked as a counter sales clerk in a department store in Bacolod. After two months in that sweatshop, my epiphany came- UP wrote to say that I passed the UPCAT- I thought to myself - Thank God so now I can go shopping with the money I earned – just kidding.

I was really thankful to God I did not only pass UPCAT but I was also qualified to apply for the UP Grant-in-Aid Program. I applied for the financial assistance offered and my application was granted. I then enrolled in a BSBA Accounting Degree Program. That is the course that leads you up to that CPA title.

I recall in my first few months, as a Freshman in this University, I experienced loneliness, fears, doubts, etc. I had almost given up. I just wanted then to go back to my family, my comfort zone. I doubted my ability to finish my chosen degree program in this University where academic excellence is the first rule of the day everyday. Yet, I realized that the opportunity that the University gave me to change my life is just once in a lifetime. I decided not to waste that opportunity. I took a shot and gave my all. I knew then that FORTUNE FAVORS those who do not give up.

I survived my first year. I even performed a lot better than I thought. Since then, I maintained a more positive outlook in life. I trusted myself and kept a fierce determination to finish my Degree Program. I studied harder and burned my midnight candle. I diligently submitted all my assignments, finished my researches on time, and kept my self away from bad company and activities.

It was an uphill climb for a self supporting student like me. Though I received financial assistance from the University, the allowance barely covered my day to day expenses especially on food, clothing and school projects. So I worked as a student assistant at the Secretary’s Office of the College of Management to make ends meet. It was not easy working and studying at the same time but it’s one of the best choices I have made in my life. Earning and learning at the same time.

Every summer, I prepared for the incoming school year’s expenses by taking on summer jobs. I tried the Department of Labor in Bacolod for its Summer Work Appreciation Program. They sent me to the Sales Office of Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. in Bacolod where I do clerical and messengerial tasks and other odd jobs. I made good money during those short stints. But the most priceless of all was the wealth of experiences I gained from the mentors I had from this institution.

Four years later, I was singing Barry Manilow’s song, I Made It Through the Rain. I felt I was the king of the world at that time! Yes, I was so terribly happy because I earned my ticket to a better life, my UP diploma.

After my graduation in 1992, I went to Manila to review for the CPA Licensure Examination. With high hopes, I wanted to be one of the top examinees and make a name for myself. I reviewed very hard. When the result of the first Pre-Board Exam at the CPA Review School of the Philippines in Manila was released, I belonged to the top 20 and ranked No.1 in Western Visayas. That inspired me to double my efforts for the actual board exam.

However, not all that we pursue in life is given to us in a silver platter. Trials come along the way. They say, the best kind of diamond is made through intense heat and pressure. I met an accident while I was preparing for the board exam. I was not able to finish my six-month review course. I broke my right arm and I was hospitalized twice. The doctor had to plaster cast my right arm. I was discharged at the hospital two months after, weak and unable to write normally because the cast almost prevented me from writing. The fighter in me kept me from quitting. With only barely a month to go before the actual licensure test, I went back to my study area and started reading my review materials again. I did not quit. I took the test and made it….. though I did not land in the top 20. Still, I was happy and thankful to the Lord, who always hear my prayers.

Perhaps you now have the same feelings I had when I was a Freshman in 1988. You wonder and ponder on the thought “Gosh, will I make it through college, will I be successful in my endeavors?” The answer lies in you: resistance to failure, determination to learn, humility and faith in your abilities. These are the keys to your success. Master all these and the answer to your questions is a resounding YES. The future lies in your hands. Chart your SUCCESS.

SUCCES is a hard, bumpy, dusty, and uphill road you will tread. Have the grit for battle!

But FRESHMEN, there are pitfalls in your way to achieving your dreams. Do not be arrogant. Do not be so full of yourself. Honor and learn from the people around you – they have seen a world that you have not. Learn from their experiences, because you are blessed to be able to avoid their mistakes. Seek assistance from Him up there. Remember that the good Lord helps those who help themselves.

Twelve years after graduation, armed with a UP diploma and a CPA license, I pursued my career in the Central Business District of Makati moving from one company to another, trying on different hats, finding my true place in the corporate world. I opened myself to more EDUCATION……college provided my rock solid foundation but my experiences in the real corporate world polished my skills.

Be open freshmen- embrace every opportunity that presents itself to you. Learn, learn and learn more!

Sixteen years after my freshman orientation- I find myself in front of another freshman orientation. I was asked to inspire you with my small story.

I know that I owe this university- UP, my professors, the whole academe, and the wild corporate world a great deal. With them my struggles were a cinch and the Lord who is our shepherd rewarded me. I now run my own company. I also practice my profession in Audit, Tax, Business Advisory and Consultancy Services. ….I am happy, fulfilled, contented…..and forever grateful to this institution, for helping me change my destiny, for helping me realize my full potentials…from an honest sales clerk to a successful entrepreneur and a business executive. I am just Greg M. Villegas, CPA and entrepreneur – you, my dear freshmen have a whole life ahead to do better - Do your best and God will do the rest.

Strike a balance in your student life. It’s not all studies, exams and researches here. Enhance your leadership skills by joining the student council or other worthwhile and university sanctioned organizations. If you have the talent in acting, you may join the theater and arts guild. If you are a sports-minded person, you can join a sports team and represent your college during the university sports activities. If you have talent in journalism, write your thoughts in your college publication. Join the UP debating team or quiz team. On December, before going home for the holiday break, join the UP lantern parade. There are a thousand and one possibilities for you to enjoy your entire stay at UP. Be involved! Socialize – do your business networking as early as now and you will reap these when you enter the corporate world. Cultivate your talents- speak! Be heard!

Avail of the student counseling service given by the University guidance counselor. I remember during my college days, I was a regular visitor of Mrs. Salgado of the Office of Student Personnel Services (OSPS) for counseling. Her kind and inspiring words were my light during my darkest moments in the University and sometimes, even up to now.

And when you finish your studies here, remember that you are an Iskolar ng Bayan. Don’t forget that you have a responsibility to the community and to this country. I remember, during our commencement exercises in 1992, our guest speaker, Ms. Haydee Yorac once said, “Mga Iskolar ng Bayan, tandaan ang inyong katungkulan sa bayan”. I agree with her.

Philippines needs you. After you make yourself financially stable in the future, give something back to the community in any form. It can be in a form of an honest public service, or by just paying the right taxes or by creating jobs and livelihood in your community. You may also give scholarships to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Don’t just be opportunity seekers. Create opportunities for you and for other people.

I did not finish my UP education with flying colors. I did not top the CPA board exam. I consider my self as an ordinary UP student with an extra-ordinary determination. I was bold enough to dream and achieve and Fortune favored me. I hope that my hard work and perseverance, and the trials that I hurdled just to be where I am now will serve as an inspiration to all of you.

Good luck and Welcome to UP.

At sa mga Iskolar ng Bayan, may the Passion of the University be with you!


Anonymous said...

Nice positive post replete with good thoughts. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

nice positive post. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

hi,congrats greggy boy.ur a very successful businessman na pla.
read ur blogsite,wow hanep peyups grad ka nga.d ka na ma reach greggy.
d2 me practice cavite.masyadong saturated na ang iloilo dami n doctor dun

Anonymous said...

Amor…. Mi dulce bombón…. Me encantó muchisisimo la historia de tu llegada a la Universidad, porque es una enseñanza desde el alma, espíritu y de la propia vida para todos aquellos que tienen sueños y anhelos en la vida para llegar a la Felicidad.

Mi dulce beso, tu historia me llena de amor, pasión y perseverancia para lograr las metas , a pesar de los obstáculos del día a día . Es por eso, escribió el hombre de quien me enamoró antes de llegar al aeropuerto de Buenos Aires el 25 de Julio del 2006 . Estoy orgullosa de ti, mi amor..

Te amo, mi dulce corazón,
